all in the title, sorc has full zwan proof of monarch proof of destroyer, union neck spiral ring some lens cast rings ... comes with mail for lv 50+ ranger on sylvia OR offer me WTB xbow lvl 92 hi all , i want to buy an xbow for lvl 92 with atleast skills +1 , dmg +25 , all ele attck +10 , and stun / crit would be nice to i play on brumhart pm me wtb knight or swash or hunter or zerk on Ernan hi want to buy knight or swash or zerk or hunter 9x on ernan WTB 2 GLORIOUS GADIUS ON GRACIA!!! As the title says, wtb 2 glorious gadius on gracia. Paying 5 scrolls each, pm me with what u have and we can work a deal out. Thanks. [EU2] WTS Sorc lvl 94 + Scion lvl 53