I have a level 129 Force Shielder in Cabal Online NA (Mercury server). He has some good gear and is Transender in magic while A. Master in Combat. This account will also come with a level 80 Warrior as well. I was looking to get a decently high level MALE character in Rohan (server/class doesn't matter). I would also like him to have some decent money/equips as well. The Cabal account has about 250mill worth of stuff and another 120 in cash shop money. Both the warrior and the FS have the CS hair. If you would like any more info on the Cabal account or would like to meet in game just send me a pm. Thanks =D I am also now accepting Chrones/RPs too. (Again any server will do ATM) I also have a Zu online account around a level 8x summoner that I would be willing to trade, I might even throw it in if the offer is good enough. I also have a level 3x Archlord account that I will throw in too. PS I will also accept a good rappelz account as well