Hi. I have an account with : Lv 121 Blader Full trans / comp It has a black transmuter for nation change, and has decent gear. Honour class 6. Lv 107 Warrior Trans / Master Redosm greatsword +4 20%critdmg and a armoursuit +6 with 7%swordamp. Lv 101 FA. Transcender/Master ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the story quests have been done on these characters, so all of them has the highest class rank available for their level. All upgrade skills are bought All buffs are bought. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to trade this account for a FA 130+ in Cabal EU Mercury. I have the email to reset the password for you and the secret answer. Do you have any other offer, please send a pm. I do only accept characters on cabal eu mercury. Please send a pm if you're interested.