I have two accounts am trying to trade! Account 1: NA neuv nahida Kazuha ganyu ayaka + skin childe jean + skin keqing + skin c1 diluc + skin wrio + sig/bis cyno tig other weapons: pjws beacon of the red sea skyward blade NA decent maintained good builds limited glider it has a deadlink but its very much dead since apple id is disabled LF: NA! well maintained (it can be low ball as long as its very well built and maintained) Asia 40(?)x5 cons are: neuv c1; Jean c3; Ayaka c1; Kokomi c1; Diluc c1; mona c2 VERY well built good maintenance map farmable LF: equal offers on NA. (i dont take multis) More picky with this! Musts: furina, neuv, nahida, nilou, raiden, zhongli, kazuha. i dont mind mm, you will be paying though # #/Adorable-Match7187 . .