Wtt: 85 Gnome Warrior With 2 Legendary Weapons For Rs Gold!

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Hi i want to trade my level 85 gnome warrior with gametime until nov 1 for RS gold. warrior has 4.6k achievs, red proto drake, war hippograph mount about 7 titles a nice 360 pve prot set for tanking and a 4/5 ruthless pvp set 2.7k res fury with 365 and 359 arms or fury weapons. has some neat older armor from wotlk,bc and a bit from vanilla and did i mention THUNDERFURY WINDSEEKER AND HAND OF RAGNOROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKING FOR REP higher rep i go first lower rep you go first POST BEFORE CONTACT AIM ME w.young123@live
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