Selling WTT 60 Monk for 60 Ranger Trading a monk with:...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/2/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTT 60 Monk for 60 Ranger Trading a monk with: 1-Lava King Trident 2-Mili set 3-Divine Set 4-Ess of Soul 5-Ess of swamp 6-Ess of death 7-ess to improve stats (costs runes) 8-Saintly blessings BIG + warrior lvl19 with saintly blessings For 6/6 Ranger iOS - Arcadian Forest - America WTT WTT 2x 85 on one WoW account for 60 monk or mage Hey everyone I've got my WoW account with some time still on it it's got an 85 Druid In 2/5 t13 full epic tank gear ilvl 385 also has a full resto set for healing. Also on the account is an 85 warlock 1/5 t13 full epics ilvl 382 alo has full pvp set with some pieces of cataclysmic gear ilvl 391 in that. Also there is an 83 hunter that has full t7 for transmogrify and a bunch of other WoTLK transmog gear. All around great account there's about 40k gold between the Druid and warlock. I am the original owner of this account so yes it's perfectly safe. I'm looking for either a 60 monk or 60 Mage doesn't really matter the gear im not too picky I just got an iPad so I'm going to give up WoW and switch to O&C. Thank you for checking this out I can go further into details if you PM or catch me on aim I'm always on. Aim - dmjj1233@ WTT WTT lvl 60 6/6 epic mage ios for lvl 60 monk with epic claw hi guys, I have a 6/6 epic mage with decent dungeons gears, epic crafted gears, panda cub + 120 runes on ios US AF server and willing to trade for any ac with lvl 60 monk toon with/without the epic claw. The ac must have decent gears if no epic claw. PM me for more details and screenshots! WTT 60 Monk full details listed, for Mage. IOS Bought this monk on Sunday as no mages were for sale. Still wanting a mage bad and willing to trade for a Mage with similar spec. iOS arcadian forest, feel free for viewing. Level 60 Monk Epic Equipment (Purples): Hood of Devout Healer of God Shoes of Devout Healer of God Synthesis Book: Devout Mark x2 Essence of the Swamp x3 Blue Equipment/Dungeon Drops: Mini Nightmare Demon Withered Ring of Salvation x2...
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