WV inner 4 opened till 36 Star Vortex and Sunflower inner opened 6 meridians opened to 108 and lvled 1 meridian opened to 144 lvled to 120+ Vortex meridian opened to 45 Sunflower meridian open to 45 Taichi rage lvl 6 + taichi heal lv 3 :able to crit 3.3k+ dmg on high lvl players (able to hit 3.5k+ once inner lvled to 40) Full tier 5 jade gear and weapons 30% ancient taichi rage jade bracers 10% ancient taichi rage annotation 2 ancient taichi rage treasures lvl6 snow rage with full set snow sword ,+20% snow rage jade tier 5 sword +6 dmg chef jade sword Cash shop skills: phantom stings, victorious staff, nine palace, Mozi sword Wild Shot Fist skills ->3 lvled to 3, 1 to 6 Utility skills : flying horse, turn weapon around, far and removed , full chain set with jade claw Flowing clouds shirt lore,full ninja set lore with blade, panda mink Looking for 1.3K USD. pm me PMed you. Let me know if you have skype.