I have the following available: Warhammer Online AND Dark Age of Camelot master account: DAoC- Shrouded Isles Trials of Atlantis Catacombs 1 or 2 mid-level characters (20-30 I believe) Not Active WAR- Pendragon's Knot Title: "The Validated" 10-day "reup" time available/unused No significant characters Not Active World of Warcraft: Account 1- Basic WoW and Burning Crusades Expansion A low-level (about 20-30) BE Warlock Not Active Account 2- Basic WoW No significant characters Not Active Fallen Earth Beta Account - Not Key -Not sure if these trades are allowed again. I've seen several on the forums lately, so assuming they are now. What I'm looking for: - Paypal - SOE Timecard(s) - EVE Online Time - EVE Online ISK - LotRO Timecard(s) - NCSoft Timecard(s) - Champions Online Beta - Jumpgate Evolution Beta - Darkfall Online Account Willing to consider other trades as well. Please NO WoW or WAR trades, as those are the things I'm trying to get rid of. Please be aware that non-verified traders will have to go first. TWV members get preference. Bump of the day! Still available...