WTS/WTT - Uthgard - HIB RR4 Celt Ranger lv50

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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    WTS or WTT a Celt Blades meele spec Ranger lv50 RR4X. The Ranger has a 99% Temp , dot's on armor/weapons , MHB on body and DD on bow. Everything capped.

    I'm looking for sell paypal only and skype to communicate and or looking to trade for a MID Warrior, Merc , Shadowblade, Infiltrator.


    I keep getting question about the ranger:

    Race = Celt Male

    AutoTrained = yes

    Spec = Blades (36Blades, 42PF , 39 CD, 35 Stealth, 12 Bow )

    Size = small

    Temp = yes 99% all stats/resist capped and gear /weapons have DOT's, DDs, MHB, Haste

    Rank = 4X , lv50

    OK I'm really looking for a - Warrior, Thane, Merc or SB, Infy . I been busy last 2 days with inventory where I work , i will be replying to the PMs tomorrow. Thanks!

    Also taking paypal offers.
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