Selling WTS/WTT Planetside 2 Alpha ACCOUNTS [CHEAP]

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello, My name is Ma3rabi

    I'm selling planetside 2 Accounts that with Alpha squad.

    No need for BETA KEYS :O I trade Also FOR ALMOST ANY GAME! If you sent me Bo2 you get 3 ACCOUNTS :O


    $35.00 - $50.00


    All accounts are unused

    You get to choose nicknames

    I Have Alot , Don't Have To Worry About Running out :P

    Alpha Squad perks

    Reserve Your Name

    Instant Beta Access (Beta ends 11/16/2012 at 11:59 PST)

    4000 Station Cash (in-game value $40.00 USD)

    Granted upon game's launch*:

    Exclusive permanent camo set which includes matching vehicle, armor and weapon skinView Camo Set >>

    A unique decal that you can use to distinguish yourself in battle

    Exclusive title: Founder

    Six month 10% XP and Resource Boost

    12 weapon unlocks (each class and Empire combination)

    I'm trusted so no need to worry about getting scammed (on other Forum!!!! Add me skype and I SHOW PROOF!!!)

    Today only, having a sale and I'm selling for 30 dollars!

    Add me on skype: mohamed.elmasoudi1


    I want one please!

    Yes im looking for on 2 il be adding u on skype. i have bo2
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