WTS/WTT my GEARED Temp for SIN (Asmos/siel) PVP gear +5 set rank 1 asmos gear upper crit 17 accur 13 full , 4 more part with normal manastone crit 17 and accur 27 DLR+15 fussion BM weapon godstone silent full socket crit 17 Bm acc set , necklace +2 pve GEAR sauro mythcal armor set +2 all 6 slot full crit accur 2 mythcal sauro acc danuar gs +10 tier 1 full acur and crit sauro sword +2 6 slot full attack pagati + sharptooth bm 570++ pcs 2m ap 210++ cera medal and alot more pm here for info and wtt for sin thanks