First of all, seeing as how Defiance & Rift are both tied to the same account, I figured I'm going to have to sell the account itself in order to sell Defiance, which is what I originally wanted to sell. So I guess this is a "Buy Defiance, Get Rift FREE" offer. Unless of course you know of any way to just sell the Defiance account itself without having to sell the whole Trion account. Defiance - I have unlocked ALL 120 of the 'Ark Hunter' rewards which can be seen on this page. They grant special ingame things such as titles, vehicles, weapons etc - Defiance | My EGO | Redeem Arkfall Codes for In-Game Rewards! - This is the standard edition, although seeing as I Pre Ordered this, I also received special Pre Order items such as an ingame title, a special vehicle & some cool weapons. Rift I won't give a lot of info on this, as I've not played it in a long time so I've no idea what is on it. All I know is that it is the standard edition, and it has no remaining game time left. I am looking for cash for this (via Paypal or any other online payment method) although if a trade is wanted, I am open to trading for certain games. Just let me know what your offer is! Thanks.