Wts my Ao account , all toons are on rk2 220/30/70 atrox shade - full pvp ,cc set (285+ , except l they are ql 300) SSD and ofab for head and ofab gloves , has the 2500 token board , full alpha ql 300 spirits , 2 igocs ,2x xan wepons ,lots of swaping equip (low hp , high hp etc - for duels),piercing ncu etc , missing just db3 stuffs 220/25?/70 soli advy - full pvp , css set(285+) , has the 2500 token board , full alpha symb (except head and ear- i use intel) , 1 igoc+alappa pad , xan pistols + fa pistol for pvm ,missing just db3 stuffs 220/21?/? nano crat - decent items for pvm , beta symbs , 1 xan pistol 150/?/? atrox sold - decent for s10 farming Waiting on offers