Sold [WTS] [WEST]God Karok on NA

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wilsnake, 1/2/17.

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  1. wilsnake

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    Want to sell my one of the best karok in na west

    +15 R/J Braha 3* Batlle pillar(all orange mats is maxed)
    one Set full Scrolled for ATT
    and one For Def
    All gear is near to 200 Durability tho

    Att 29k+
    Def 14k+
    Crit 131
    Attspd 84
    bal 90
    Att Limit 100
    DMG Reflection 20
    Titles 640+
    Waponsmithing 399/399
    All the pets i have are lv30
    this acc have 1.6 b in gold
    All storage expancion Permanent

    S/O At 1300$ USD Via Paypal
    Contact me on Skype = RyukTSU

    Here is the album with the screns for more details>

    ttp:// just add the h cuase i canot use links atm =S
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