Sold [WTS] [WEST] Four +15 Weapons, lvl 91 Lann Main, Lvl 90 Fio, lvl 76 Arisha

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by piasraspear333, 9/23/17.

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  1. piasraspear333

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    [WEST] Server, selling ONLY as ACCOUNT
    lvl 91 Lann Main with four +15 weapons
    Lvl 90 Fiona with +12 lvl 90 sword/$32outfitter
    Lvl 76 Arisha Alt


    26k ATT, 13k Def, 120 Crit, 90 Bal, 70 ATT Spd, has some stuff/items unequipped in SS


    +10 Mem/Enthus Term Helm +103 Def
    +10 WB/Master Term Chest +102 Def
    +10 Mem/Enthus Term Pants +103 Def
    +10 Rein/Echo Term Gloves +1 STA
    +10 Rein/Echo Term Shoes +1 STA

    sig/Pass Pirate Earrings +2 Bal
    Sub/Pass Peridot Belt +131 ATT
    CM/Pass Thunder Ring +2 Bal
    CM/Pass Thunder Ring +2 Crit
    Sig/Pass Blue Kitty Brooch +2 Crit
    300att/400def Copper Bracelet
    400att/400 def Copper Bracelet
    Sig/Berserker Greater Succubus Fang
    Sig/Pass Kitty necklace +1 ATT spd

    All Pages of storage unlocked and stuffed with tools, rare keepsakes, registraton packages (+15 arma weapon), and rare color items (Emanating fists and 0/0 Pass Helm for example)

    Tons of all Merc pots, AP Capsules, Fusion Runes, Enchant Runes, Enhance Runes, VIP, Shared Passes, Hair/Inner Coupons, Traveler Boxes, Wings, Whistles, Dyes, Ergs, Reset Capsules, Goddess Graces, Dura Pots, Stones, etc.

    Novelty gear such as Malignant, Majestic Tuxedo, Battle Devil $32 Outfitter, etc.
    Dark Knight
    Your own maxed out guild, solo lvl 20 guild

    Price: $299 Paypal or in gift cards (Google play/Paypal Wallet)

    Disc: Lemonpie#8443
    Skype: [email protected]
    Msg here or pm me

    P.S - This account also comes with a decked Maplestory account with the following:
    lvl 197 Night Lord with tons of NX glamour, maxed out enchanted armor/weps, fuckloads of past event novelties, and exclusive unlocked chars
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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