WTS Warframe Account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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    I really love this game but I've gotten really busy lately. I've been really active here until the archwing update.

    Account Details:

    Member Since: June 2013

    Mastery Rank: 13 (I've been polarizing so many stuff that I don't have that much time leveling new weapons)

    Time Played: 1637 hours

    I have a lot of polarized Warframes. And most are fully modded.

    I have 2 Rhinos- Both Fully Modded (I used to solo the old tough 20-wave t3 def using this tough guy)

    1 Rhino Prime- Fully Modded

    1 Saryn- Fully Modded (Polarities were altered specially for Dojo Dueling and Conclaves)

    1 Valkyr- Fully Modded (Yes, modded to be immortal)

    1 Nova- Fully Modded

    1 Nekros- Fully Modded (Desecrate build and the fun Super Dead Army build)

    1 Frost Prime- Fully Modded

    1 Trinity- Fully Modded

    1 Vauban- Fully Modded

    1 Volt- Fully Modded

    1 Oberon- Fully Modded

    1 Loki- Fully Modded

    1 Banshee- Fully Modded

    1 Hydroid- Fully Modded

    1 Mirage

    1 Ember

    1 Ember Prime

    1 Mag

    1 Mag Prime

    1 Frost

    1 Ash

    1 Zephyr

    1 Excalibur (With the Limited Edition Proto-Armor)

    I have the most important arcane helms, such as Loki Essence, Rhino Vanguard, Vauban Helms, Saryn Helms.

    I also have a lot of Fully Modded Weapons (where I dumped so much formas to) so I can guarantee you they kick balls.

    (Ogris with 49k kills. Orthos Prime with 72K kills. Ichors with 3k kills and specially modded for Valkyr. And many more)

    I also have my own Dojo. I am in a Solo Clan with a lot of fully decorated rooms and labs. I also have 31 spare formas in the foundry if you wanna add more rooms. I have a Clan Emblem which is design after my username, named after my Clan.

    45 Dojo Rooms and I got a Floating Kiosk, where you need to do some parkour before you can get to trade.

    I have reactors and bluetatoes in the foundry, bp's too. Restores and all.

    I have maxxed all mods (Weapons and Frames). 2 Legendary Cores.

    I have all event weapons except the Sniptron Vandal which I by accident sold to the Lotus (yes, fml).

    I got color packs, Syandanas (Frame Exclusive and general Syandanas) and Armors.

    I have a Lotus Printed Tall Kubrow.

    And I also have friends in there who are high level, who are friendly enough to help you if you need help. They dont bite.

    PM me your serious offer. I can change the E-mail address for you and everything. We can Negotiate.

    You can also add me on Skype, LightCometa
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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