Selling Warpath Account bound to GMail account only: - Base Lvl 32 Max - VIP 15 - Server 13 - Power currently @45M and growing (Im still playing) - Maxed SKILL Officers: Lv60 Antonina, Lvl 60 Percy, Lv55 Spanners - Other officers: Lv55 Guardian 5433, Lv50 Eruptor 5455 Lv48 War Machine 5434 Lv46 White Wolf 4111 Lv44 Bloody Mary 5211 Lv45 Death Adder 3111 Lv44 Angel 2111 Lv34 Winter 2111 -Airforce Officer: Lv35 Pixie 3111 lvl39 Wings 1111 Lv40 Brisk Eagle 1111 Other Buildings: - Lv 32 Max Wll - Lv 32 Max Watchtower - Lv 32 Max AA Firebase Barracks: - 1 Lvl 32 max - 4 Lvl 30 Notable Units: - One 7.2 Star Liberty Howitzer (1 Gold+, 4 Gold EQs) - One 7.2 Star Vanguard Super Heavy Tank (1 Gold++, 4 Gold+ EQs) - One 7.2 Star Martyr Howitzer (2 Gold+, 3 Gold EQs) - 1 Gold++ BP - One 7.1 Star Vanguard Tank Hunter (2 Gold+, 3 Gold EQs) - One 7 Star Liberty Light Tank (3 Gold+, 2 Gold EQs) - And Many more (See pictures) If you want more info and have questions please message me. Regard