Sold [WTS] Vindictus NA Gold, stock 150m, all for 55$, or per 10m for 3,8$, method paypal

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pizzabuoy21, 1/29/18.

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  1. pizzabuoy21

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    I'm new to playerup my friend just introduced me to this site, I've already been a gold seller in vindictus NA for 2 years, but I also sells ID with full gears characters, so i change ID from time to time
    All this time I only sell golds to friends, then some friend introduced me to playerup, and told me i should sell here, since i always sell gold at lower rates

    So although I might be new to playerup, I have been in the business for quiet some time now

    Trust me I am not a fraud, I am a legit gold seller

    I'm willing to give you my Facebook. info, my real one, and will give you the name of the guild I'm in and its Facebook. page
    I'm legit, I only want to sell golds with better rates than I used to thats all

    I currently only have 150m, since someone happens to bought 200m from me recently and turns out he's selling it with higher rates
    I will give you special price 55$ for all, or 3,8$ for each 10m
    And price is #, as long as it makes sense

    I keep farming for more, so if you needed more and feel you need to book, I may be able to arrange something for you
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