Selling WTS Vindictus EU account

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Im not playing it much lately so i want to sell it for around 22 to 30 euro .I have 4 characters on the account .Fiona on lvl 80 ,Kai on lvl 71 ,Vella on lvl 62 and Lynn on 60 .I have also 9 900 tir coins .For more info pm me on my skype konev.artyom or on my mail [email protected] /* */

    - - - Updated - - -

    I can sell it for 15 -20 euro if the price is to much .Like i sayd or posted b4 i was looking to buy Diablo 3 ROS key ,but never mind.


    In the end i didnt manage to sell the account im selling it again price from 15 -20 euro or for some Diablo 3 items/gold suff.Like always contact me on my skype konev.artym
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