Sold WTS Vindictus EU account with top character

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MkBewe, 2/25/20.

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  1. MkBewe

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    Hello there.

    After 10 years of Vindictus adventure I have decided to sell my account.
    Also I will be really glad if there will be some player that will take this precious into his care and will have as much fun as I did in those years of playing.

    I want to sell 9-years Vindictus EU account with 10 max lvl (100) characters.
    All characters are ready for most season 3 Dungeons, with good equipment, bunch of dyed, rare Avatar sets on each character, couple event’s items, inner armors, hairstyles, titles etc.

    Focusing on Main Class (my treasure): Arisha (both spellsword & spellwhip +15).
    Titles: over 800 - character is maxed in almost all available ways.
    Max Path skill (Paladin max TP) Max AP, most of skills max Awaken Durability and the best stones.
    Full Story cleared – cleaned quest log, full Ein Lacher complete, Neamhain, Balor – 100%

    Equipment +15-16 Dullahan - Astera so it’s over 6k Additional Damage and over 3k Attack Limit.
    All equipment full scrolled and fully infused, max statistic potential except some Attack limit in armors.
    Various artifacts, armor parts for fusion, lot of materials, rare wings etc. are included too.
    On Main Character (Arisha) there are 4 pages of Avatar Sets Legendary, Super Rare, Rare, Common all dyed with extraordinary Dye Ampoules and some of them are still unused like 10:10:10 etc. (around 5 pages of ampoules).
    There are lots of useful items in the NX pages like Runes, Cupons, Potions, Capsules, Enhancements Stones, Blessing Stones, Goddess Graces, Licneces, Event Boxes and other stuff that you could get earlier, but cannot do it now moreover there is that much of these that I doubt you will be able to spend all of the useable items as well. The most Normal Equipment pages are filled from fashion stuff to useful battle items as well, including with almost every event items collected in those years of playing.

    There are lot of other things which is added to account like companion (Namhain) bunch of full leveled pets, high Vanguard LvL etc. but it’s hard to list all details here. Feel free to ask about some info if you are about to buy account.
    If I will be able to answer please wait for my reply.

    If you are interested please give me a sign.
    #1 MkBewe, 2/25/20
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/19/20
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