Selling WTS vindictus accounts ( 1 account consider 2 best chars in game and like 500m +)

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    as the title says i want to sell 2 vindictus accounts for serious offers only:

    1) 1st account only has a hurk lvl 80 with and everlasting set scrolled -dyed black and bound on him and also has a broken +12 rattler which needs ap to get it back

    2) 2d account is one of the best accounts in vindictus (including one of the best karoks with best set and +15 weeapon,a lann with +15 weapon and best set ....both of them dyed scrolled infused fused perfectly ....also considers an evie lvl 62 and some other chars ......and furthermore account has like 500 million totall and lots things to sell )

    need serious offers

    my skype name gravekeeper61


    New Update 20 May 2014'' 25.000 Golden Eagles Add In your Acount

    Get Now on


    1) account sold

    from 2) i can sell separate gold or items waiting for more offers

    trustworty i got the first acc all fine

    sold 200kk still got enough

    300kk left !!!!!!!!!! last chance !!!!!!!

    100 kk left ..........and soon will have 300 kk more add me for more info !!!

    Hello i would like to buy GOLD on Vindictus Europe add me on skype veranoslife
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