wts Vet8 Imp Templar, and Vet2 Nightblade on the NA Server, Ebonheart Pact - $150 Templar was turned into a "crafting" character and is currently 50 Clothing/Provisioning, 47+ Blacksmithing/Woodworking, 24 Enchanting. Also has all motifs learned. Templar has 5+ trait in light/heavy armor research, 4+ in medium, and 6+ on a few weapons. 8 trait is currently in progress for shields. Nightblade is 50 Alchemy. The rest of the character slots are filled with mules for each of the tradeskills. ~60k worth in materials. There is ~100k gold on the account, and both characters are decked out in purps and blues. Scanned copy of Photo ID w/ matching Paypal is required for purchase. Add Me if interested.