Selling WTS Very great endgame Trove account (tons of expensive old collection items and loots)

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by shol, 8/21/17.

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  1. shol

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    Hi there, account_username! <3

    I WTS Very great Trove account. Stared play after Trove was released on Steam, and now I just feel I'm tired of this game, and it eats too much time even just for daily/weekly loots.
    Account is for PC version of the game.


    Total PR: 174K. Total Mastery Points: 53.8k. Total MF: 1250x2 (without anything equipped), 1454x2 (with lvl 3 MF ring, hat with MF and Cotton Candy ally).

    Main Classes:​
    Fae (good for ST and farming, also she's cute). 21.6k PR, 158k MD, 563k MH, 106.8% CH, 1139.2% CD. Every Gem is MD/CD/CH except one Great which is MD/MH/MH%. Currently have no Class gem, because old one suck, and new one… also not very good.
    Shadow Hunter (good for fast-run ST under U9, can clear any U8 ST boss by just holding LMB). 20.9k PR, 146k PD, 623k MH, 118.3% CH, 1103.5% CD. Currently have no Class gem, because I found a perfect PD/CD/CH for a slot which used to have them, but account have 8 Class Gem Keys ready for you.

    Sub Classes:​
    Revevant (Just in case you'll ever need a tank). 18.4k PR, 45k PD, 6.7m MH, 79k HR, low CH and CD. Have perfect tanky MH/MH%/HR Class gem.
    Tomb Raiser (Awesome for Pinata God in ST, and don't look at low MH – it is enough if play properly. Also use him to break usual pinatas :>). 14.4k PR, 64k MD, 2.6m MH, 63k HR, low CD and CH. Have a Class gem, though a shity 1 stat from start one.
    Lunar Lancer (Fast-runner, runs much faster than any mount or flying – 108 MS by default, 155 MS with Emblems used). Stats except MS doesn't matter. Have a Class gem, although it doesn't matter as well.

    Other classes have random gems placed just for PR, both total and personal. Knight have most of them (except listed above) for whatever reasons I can't remember. Every one have 5k+ PR without any loot equipped, so you guarantied to win a nice 9 Gem Chests every week. Also, most of classes have a nice costume, and one of them even won a contest on Trovesaurus :>. I get Extra 2015 Life Pack as a prize. And on the last note, every class is level 30.

    All cleared-up Battle Arena (Battle Level 50; btw in top-100 most wins of all time).

    Most of Badges are completed (exclusion of Patron, Days login (last is bugged) and Refer-a-friend).

    Almost 2 years Total Days Logged In


    Most important:​
    Every Dragon except: Disaeon (have 4 Refers), Aurym (new one, both egg and coins are ready, just need materials), Tanbleddyn (egg for it can be crafted at any time, just tons of materials required) and new ones coming from Eclipse update. Actually, there is nothing did after Eclipse, so you have many thing to do on your own now.
    Ganda. Nuff said. Opened myself :> No proof about that, sorry :< Opened it almost after release, and without knowing what I am just opened.
    Packs: 15-Day Patron Pass, Power Pack (now Essentials Pack), Arcanium Expedition, Extra Life 2015 Pack (now Double Dragon Pack).
    Expensive Wings such as Skye Stalker, Wings of Shadowy Descent etc. Overall I have every one except: Stormcaller, Balefire, Dark Pegasus, Brownie Boosters, Wings of Wizardy.
    Most of early Mounts. Not so good about modern ones. 244 Mounts in total.
    All rewards for Battle Coins are bought. Same as all items for Fragments of Wonder.
    48 Patron Points.

    For gameplay properties everything is good: all Emblems, all Flasks, Ganda, all useful Allies, Prim. Dragons, 2 main Classes (PD and MD) 20k+ PR with great damage and decent MH (you can swap gems to another class if you dislike Fae as magic or SH as physicall), gotta-go-fast Lunar, few tanky capabilities, all Portals in Club. Perhaps you'll want Neon as farming class, but I'm was OK with Fae, and I suggest you giving her a shot :>

    Styles: 3144 (completed Super Style Stash).
    Helmet Styles: 95.
    Recipes: 1066 (completed Super Recipe Stash).
    Mounts: 244 (completed Super Mount Stash).
    Allies: 80 (all Treasure Isles and Seasonal, plus Rare and 8/22 Extra Life).
    Skins: 85.
    Mag Riders: 12.
    Level (420), Level 20 (15), Max Level (15), Profession Tier (15), Flasks (14), Fishing Poles (6), Fish (64), Emblems (22) – fully completed lines.
    Wings: 23.
    Tomes: 18 (no Insta-Growth).
    Ships: 10.
    Sails: 33.
    Badges: 43.
    Auras: 13.

    Over 3 million Flux.
    1.3k tradeable Chaos Chests.
    24 tradeable, 38 not tradeable Golden Chaos Chests – just perfect for a fresh nice opening stream :>
    Almost 2k Shadow Cashes, 15 Hearts of Darkness.
    145 Mastery Pinatas.
    Four 30 Day Patron Passes, four 3 Day Patron Passes, elevent 1 Day Patron Passes. About third a year of Patron Status in total (133 days).
    3 Diamond Dragon Eggs, 6 Prisms of Light, 128 Super Style Stashes, 12 Super Mount Stashes, 5 Super Recipe Stashes.
    3 Class Coins.
    16 random Stellar loots.
    39 Chaos Cores. btw, most from Chaos Crafter are untouched, with an exception of costumes, which is crafted kinda randomly.
    48 Eclipse Keys.
    167k Water Gem Dust, 70k Air Gem Dust, 139k Fire Gem Dust.
    2k Jade Clovers, 123 Horeshoes, 39 Lapis Luckbugs, 30 Ninth Lifes, 9 Golden Gem Keys.
    Tons, tons and TONS of other sorts of trash.
    Most of loots are stored in clubs's chests (flux included).


    1250 Credits, 54252 Cubits.
    2 Club Worlds (so 4 additional Chests for trash), one of them have all Portals and Benches (excluding Alpha-one Draconic Workbench, but including retired Class Changer), The Great Wall of Battle Infamy (that's how I call a giant wall with Trophies from Battle Arena placed on, sorted by class; it is 62 Block tall, with being the most highest amount of Trophies as Lunar Lancer), 5 Tribal Totems full of Monster Trophies, The Stellar Pillar of Pets (maximum highed pillar which have Bears and Birds placed on) and water and lava sources for fishing. The second one have maximum highed pillar with Face of Flow and Chests placed on it, and with hole down below water stream. It is done for fishing on both very high and very low grounds for specific fish. Both clubs have no other players accounts and unknown worldwide.
    2 Cornerstones: one is maximum high tower with a platform every 4 blocks – for gathering; second is a low high pillar with an hole at the top – for farming with twinks. Neither Clubs nor Cornerstones have any artistic values.

    By buying this account you will receive 3 twink accounts on the house!
    Or, in other words, price of them is already included.
    Sorry for crushing this nice illusion.
    All of them have one 5k PR class, 10000+ Mastery and random trash in both inventory and collection.

    Have any question about what does this account contain? Want me to give a screenshot of anything said to prove my words? Contact me by posting a comment in the topic!

    P.S. Yeah, it's kinda expensive, but it's not for farming nor normal playing. It's more like for streamers or somebody like that.
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    This offer is still reliable!
    In case somebody is questioning that.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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