WTS Uthgard Hib Account

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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    Account includes the following:

    48+ Ranger, 3L+, tempted (missing 1 or 2% in one or two magic resists), 800+ alchemy.

    42+ Bard, 2L+, tempted (again missing 1 or 2 % in a few resists), 500+ fletching.

    33+ Nightshade, 2L+, tempted for Braemar - Wilton

    34+ Enchanter, decent temp but nothing crazy, 600+ Spellcraft.

    Comes with house, decent location not too far from housing zone in. Includes vault, teleporter, alch table, bind stone and porch/merchant.

    Doesn't have much cash on hand, recently spent it on Bards temp... maybe a couple hundred gold spread across.

    Looking for payment Via Paypal or trading for Midgard SB or Hunter account. Not interested in anything else.

    Pm for details or simply reply and I'll respond as quickly as I can, thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, forgot to mention that the account has all toons listed. Thanks!

    Weekend Bump!

    Updates: Bard is now 46-48 and finished temp with ablatives. 20+ Mentalist added with 500+ tailoring. Acquired more money, but still only a plat or 2 spread across all toons.

    Lots of great offers but not quite what Im looking for yet!

    final bump! if youre interested shoot me a msg

    Sold! Thanks for all the interest.
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