Selling WTS Uthgard Accounts As title says, looking to...

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/11/13.

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  1. Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Uthgard Accounts As title says, looking to sell the following Uthgard DAoC accounts: #1 RR5-7 Warrior #2 RR5-6 Healer #3 RR5-6 Mercenary #4 RR4-5 Blademaster / RR4-5 Eldritch / Lvl 40-45 VW / Lvl 35-40 Warden #5 RR3-4 Shaman #6 Level 45-49 Enchanter / Level 35-40 Blademaster #7 Level 40-45 Mercenary Additional info will be provided, due to safety measures, via PM or Skype. Skype Name: evilpigsatemypants Note 1) - Preferred payment method: PayPal. Note 2) - Characters will come with a basic template or carry enough plats to cover the costs for a basic template. Note 3) - By request, they can be geared up with items of your choice, or opt for a high-end template. Doing so, prices will be higher.
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