WTS USPC server Account

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    THE ACCOUNT IS LEGENDERY TILL 20th september.Want to sell DCUO account on uspc server, the account has 3 main charecters.Have bought 5 dlc packs:Origin crisis,Hand of fate,Battle for earth,Lightning strikes,Fight for light.

    Cr88 dps-Hero, power gadgets, batman mentored.Movent type Super speed Prec 594 Might 2099.Pvp Cr 77, the pve gear is mostly lvl 81-83 1 pieace is lvl 85. Skill Points 76

    Cr96 healer-Hero, Power Sorcery, Batman mentored.Movent type Acrobar.Restoration 3264 power 2987,Pvp Cr 77,Pve gear is mostly t5 with tier V modes, but got 2 pieaces of the newest t5.5 gear with also tier V modes, The weapon is very rare lvl 87 = 177 dmg, Skill points 66, Also got some dps gear if you need it the dps gear is mostly lvl 81-83 on dps role Precision 576 Might 1715.

    Cr 93 Troll Villain, Power Quantum,Mentror Joker, Movent type Super speed. Its fully t5 gear only back item is lvl 83.Skill point 57. Pvp Cr 77. Got Some dps gear too including lvl 88 belt which really rare in the game bec max lvl armor you can buy now is lvl 86. Vitalization 1615.

    I have bought some things from marketplace including Rhino and sinisterbird heads, Cosmic skin, Malevolent wings,Buckaroo shirt,Dandy hat and tall top hat. I Know that the skill point are low but i am currently working on raising them. All 3 toons have many base items and Rare styles from Collections and briefings.

    If Interested Here is my skype: dcuo.player. Contact me anytime.

    Offer 30$

    are u kidding? only the dlc packs cost 50$, plus 3 months legendary+stuff from the marketplace and not mentioning the characters xD. make a real offer

    Ill give 150 to 200 for it
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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