Selling WTS TRO-TRO-TRO 130 VIP 3 , Or just the gears....

Discussion in 'Conquer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Conquer Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/1/15.

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  1. Conquer Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS TRO-TRO-TRO 130 VIP 3 , Or just the gears. Looking to sell my account, or the gear. No low ball offers, I will be willing to negotiate. This is on the Colossus Rhodes server. The account is VIP 3, Talismans are both 2 soc +5, Tower is -1, Clubs are 2 soc sdg, one perm p4 moon hammer -1% the other is just +5, bank has several souls in it as well. Necky is +7 1 soc sdg -3%, The rest of the gear is 1 soc sdg. Gold Cloth is -1% also have a Caribbean Pirate -1% What is in bank worth noting +8 elite ninja hood +5 super 2 soc sdg ninja hood I have most of my bank pages full of random stuff, including super gear. Make and offer, if i decide its worth it ill respond. Im asking 450$ for the whole account. Willing to negotiate.
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    JR Sanchez

    JR Sanchez
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    Steven Zhou

    Steven Zhou
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    i need to sell a account too
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    Kevin Wu

    Kevin Wu
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    Is the account still offer?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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