WTS 88K Pally (top 5) Thundercall UTC-8 Top 5 Pally currently between 88-89k CR w/o food $900 asking price. -Full Legends (almost all lvl 368 except 1 piece), most gear is ranked on server both pants and boots are currently #5 & 6. -Have full D5, D6 and D7 (Full thunderstorm and 2/3 Wild Missile ready when they activate those sets) -Gems = 8x lvl 30 MoL and 4 lvl 30 HoS -New Treasure of the Ancient upgr to Divine -Warehouse is full of sets D1-5 (extra gear to swap sets) -Currently has 1.75m gold, 359 unlocked crystals and 533 locked. In tank form puts out on avg 40-45k dps in tank (2142-2293 attk w/ flourish and no food) w/ 2600+ phys defense and 2550+ magic def and just shy of 32k hp at the time of this post. DPS form can put out 55-60k+ dps easily. Star circles are Agi-6 Swift-7 Flourish-6 Motiv-4 Roar-3 and Mystic-2 This toon has over 3100 top up w/ extra money spent on gold. Also has the dps and survivability to MT/OT or DPS full wind and lab raids (given you know the mechanics). My wife doesn't care for me playing anymore and I have a lot of upcoming projects around the house. Middleman will be required for this sale, the account is currently bound to steam, gmail and Facebook.. PM me with offers and or questions.