like the title says im selling ToM 14 days ... offer me highest offer wins! WTS archlord account lvl 100 swash on Sylvia Price is 50 euros has *cf gear: gloves 10 % as pants 12 % res bg armor 3/3 boots mov speed 11 % *hh gear : hh dagger lvl 90 cap with stamina lvl 6 lvl 90 gloves lvl 5 and 6 stones lvl 90 armor 1/3 ith res lvl 6 1 glo shuta 1/1 9 % res +1 blode 1/1 7 % res+glo gaudius 0/1 lvl 38 rapier 6/6 asthaled nice stats and tons of wp and wc more inf on facebook Miclaus Paul [Urzark] WTB/WTS ( 1 2 3) WTB Heren Armour combined High speed prayer stone lv5 gold ticket elf milfi candle cart mount elf phoenix mount glor. Bellos (preferable 0/2 or 0/3) WTS Sorc Lv 108 (pm me for more information) Combined Impregnability Prayer Stone lv 5 5 scions empty Garb of Delphin (mage lv90 hh) /ZIAN WTT LWL5 ELE CLOCK+2SC FOR GOLD TICK+PHONEX CHAR /ZIAN WTT LWL5 ELE CLOCK+2SC FOR GOLD TICK+PHONEX CHAR THX PM ME WTT ARCHER 85