Full 10.4.4+ any role, some 100+ 10.4.4 items, all NY raid drops(4 cony), 50% augment wheel, all important augments lvl5, few yellows, all custom weapons (15 of them, 10.5.5/4) with purple abuse/aggresion/fury/braching, 3 astrals, 7 criterions... Offer in inbox. .; bump bump bump Please give some idea of $ you are looking for. So far best offer is 500$ - - - Updated - - - bump Tank 10.5.5 Tank head 10.5.5 with block and purple order 2 DPS majors 10.5.5 with purple violence, 1 Major HP with Hit 10.5.5 Minors Suway tokens 10.4.5 with pen, minor HP with purple ablation/salvation 3x NY Belt and 10.5.5 dps Minor. Dps, all 10.5.5 as you have cony 10.4.5 with pen, and minor 10.5.5 with equliibrium. DPS is at worst 4k, and i have 150 MS lag. So anyone with decent conection is more then ok for any build they want. Weapons are all 10.5.4+: Tanking weapons Sword 10.5.5. pen /hammer 10.5.4 pen Chaos 10.5.4 Pen With purple breaching DPS are rest Sword 10.5.4, Hammer 10.5.4, AR 10.5.5, (with purple fury as i don't like abuse in longer fights) and all others have purple abuse/ or aggresion depending on build i use them. Heal set, all ny raid drops, 2 10.4.4 heads, full 10.5.4 items, purple amelirations... Anyway any build you can figure it out, i have it upgraded and custom. All important augments, you can easy solo any group scenario with no truble, and even solo group NM i manage to get regulary to second wave. All platinum. New is tokio 1.4 set with ql 4 and ql 2 with rearest bypass modules, rare boss i can kill under 15 sec. Yellow heroic drops, Capacitor and Diode. 4 astrals (won one) and 3 criterions ( i upgrade some things). 7 purple aux weapons, all important purple signets on them. 400+ all pure runes All ny raid drops, all but subway tokens 2x or more, fully upgraided. Dps tank you can do 3.5k dps in raid Dps 5.6 is my record as dps, 4k standard Healer, solo heal raid, PVP... All issues, tokio, lair raid jacket, rare boss and rest.... Well that is it, best offer now is 600$, buyout 1000$. If i don't get higher bid in a week acc go to you. WE will use middle man as i have no rep, and his price is on you. bump bump bump Sold.