WTS tank. Android OM. Royal 11. Account has 2252 runes. Pendant for tank and war, 5 atman fragments. There is also 70 lvl mage with pendant. Oracular shield and axes. Tank set: 2T4, 2 dazzling for crit, 2 T3,5 rfl – full 5 lvl gems. 4t4 without gems. War set: 2T4, 4c3 – full 5 lvl gems. Blue 4T4. VERY RARE ANGEL HALO! Zargis’s Battle shoulder. 10k+ hero emblems. MZL shirt. In the chest: 7 loto dazzlings. bnl trinket for war. 7 gems for attack power – 5 lvl. 8 gems for strength – 5 lvl. China 5 lvl gems and others. 930 removal pliers. 90+ dungeon tablets, 200+ arena tablets. 29 100% traps, a lot of festival buffs. Vanities: Debronee’s Wing (Golden), Aryurumoka Inner Fire, Patridon’s Halo, Grinding Gear, Tail of Evil, Asylum of Gunnar-Thyne, Horns of Evil. Many mounts: Battlefront Champion Snow Wolf, Merciless Champion’s War Scorpion, Wrathful Kraken, Battle Elephant, Blue Despair, Red Despair, The Loyal Guard of the Dawn, The Ghost of the Down and many others. Riding Permits for human, orcs, undead and mendel. Pets: Mr. Bones, Bear Cub Ghost, Enchanted Petit, Gunnar-Thyne and others. Pm me for the price, more screenshots and if any questions. PayPal.