74 SORC intel shuta 9% rezi / 2 normal shuta 7% rezi / Zwan Armor 4/4 lv 5 stoned 3 stats / Pants 2/2 double rezi 12% lighting gloves 2/2 scion and ashtal bots lvl 52 scion and lvl 6 mvspeed biglos neck lvl 4 cloak ice realms for dragonscion and archer 200 and 100% toas and 50 % compi recovery pots suits / destiny / stones 0kheros and realm sorc poisen 1 scion 3 pets orc orc spider / legend of roux and golden clouder 84 ARCHER top realm / lvl5/6 Stoned 3stat 4slot / Pants 12 rezi 3slot lv5/6 stoned/gloves 3 cast / 11 att speed 1scion / Cap of grote lvl 6 stamina/Boots poisen and robindol 6% block 3 dodge / Intel shuta 0/1 / Shuta 9% / kark lvl 3 cloak / HH Bow 80 +13 double dmg 4/4 Ashtal/ Poisen archer pants 0/3 +10 lvl 4/5 stoned bg gloves / Gollem / compuod 10 +10 serazan / Talisman of heavently / Biglos & Shoker neck / Haul ring / and other realms !! top 3 slot chantra bag OFFER IN EUROS pme me ! wts scion lvl 105 full archon europe Race : Scion Level : 105 Server : Archon Armor HH : Cap, Garb 4 slots , Boots, Bracers ( Joakis lvl 90 ) whit stone lvl 5/6 Weapond HH lvl 90 : xenon 4/4 asthal whit very good stats, karon 4/4 asthal whit very good stats Armor CF full and weapond full lvl Ring : Glorious Okeros empty / Glorious Shuta 7% res / Glorious Gaudius 7% res / Blode ring 5 % res / Sentinel Ring Empty / Barom Ring Empty / Glorious Yalquinas Ring Empty / Ring of Bellos Empty / Logo Ring Empty / Sword Eater Ring Empty / Ring Proof of monarck 6% res Necklace : Glorious Norgen Neck Wisdom lvl 5 / Karkaen whit Cloak lvl 3 / Union Necklzce Empty / Shocker necklace Empty / Darilla Empty Inventory : 4 asthal Inventory chantra : 114 slots whit 20 compound 30 k lens extra large potion TOA 30 % , 50% , 200 %, etc ............................................... Contact I on my live email: ***************************************************** give I your email so that I can give an answer to your offer For the transaction(deal) I give any log + e-mail but the paiemant has to be before made I do not want to be to scammer Possibilitées of offer: Now € whit paypal golden paysafecard or tranfert WP account ■■► WTS Uniques/Ticket ON Zian ◄■■ hey all. /w Me here Or ingame(Fast4y0u) and Offer plz(No Nub offer plz ty) want to trade this stuff for scrolls/gold/or maybe something good,if u got. Best Offer wins.^^ ◣WTS on Zian◢ GT=SOLD __________________________________________________ ☜Uniques☞ All ar empty: ♦Glorious Blode Ring (1 Slot) ♦Ciring Walker Necklace (1 Slot) ♦Glorious Norgen Necklace(2 Slot) ♦Assault Ring (1 Slot) ♦Blode Ring (1 Slot) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ☜Weapons☞ ♦Elite Lv71 Wand Stat: Wand +11(7/7) (6 Asthal and 1 Scion Stone in it) •+1 Rank •4% Stun •2% Crit •+16 Dmg •+20 Ice Dmg Yellow stat: •Mass Snare •Hell Typhoon •Napalm Flame Zian unic ( 1 2) so if u r interesting make offer for TRADE - HH lvl 90 knight (helmet, shield, 1h weapon(crit) ) - glor. blode / bril.blode - glor. ring's HH Intel. -int.Rapid ring 0/1 (x2) .Int.Yalquinas ring 0/1 -int.Sword enter ring 0/1 -int.Feathered ring 0/2 -int.Norgen neck 0/3 -int.Norgen neck 0/1 (x3) Brili. -bril.bellos ring 0/2 -bril.Feathered ring 0/2-sold- -bril.Rapid ring 0/2 -bril.Rapid ring 0/3 -bril.Sentniel ring 0/2 Glori. -glor.Ciring Walker neck 0/1 -glor.Hwardun neck 0/2-sold- -glor.Faren neck 0/2 -glor.Faren neck 0/1 Exelent -exel.Ciring Walker neck 0/1 WTB 2xGOLD TICKET 12sc+1b each URZARK