all of this realm gear for 1 scroll: Archer: Armpads of Balakas - 2 ashtals Cap of Balakas - ashtal Mars Boots 8% Block - scion stone + quickness Mars Armor 12% SB +10 3/3 Riley Armor Balakas Armor Mage: Bracelets of Serreno 2% cast 19 attack rating Garb of Belik 0/4 Sorc: Garb of Garnier 0/3 Uniques for 1 scroll: Luke Necklace Lilith Necklace Union Necklace Proof of Monarch for 2 scrolls: Intelligent Shocker Necklace (stamina lvl6) Cap of Sor (Hunter lvl 80 HH) Buying Scrolls [EU3 - Urzark] Hey guys, so i'm buying scrolls for a few € on Paypal / each. Looking forward to your PMs Cheers Anzu wtb full swash hh set 90 (eu3) urzark As title says i need all pieces aswell the wepoans i offer paypal out 1 intel shuta for whatever peice. Ps. can trade elementalist hh gear also. Pm me with what u got WTT My ranger Ranger lvl 89 on sylivia server wit 2 glorious gaudius, 2 shuta , karkae, luke, hh kataria ,hh chest , full realm for another cha on sylvia offer me fast no noobs URZAK-WTB