Wts swtor account 22 dollars lots of rare armors and mounts

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vanigis, 8/24/16.

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  1. Vanigis

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    wts swtor account on the harbinger server for 22 dollars armor and mounts on account if interested contact me at [email protected] if you want pictures of the account ask me in email and i will send some.will have the account selling for 22 from today until sep.1
    -eradicator armor unlocked with cc to have unlimited amount
    -revan reborn armor set
    -agile recon armor set unlocked with cc
    -mandalorian clansman armor set unlocked with cc
    -tulak hord armor set
    -unfettered trench coat unlocked with cc
    -casus fett armor set
    -marka ragnos armor set
    -exposed extrovert armor set
    -valiant jedi armor set
    -thexan robes armor set
    -primeval stalker armor set
    -agile recon armor set
    -mandalorian clansman armor set
    -revered seer armor set
    the account also has thana vesh armor set and calo nord which is in one of my ults bank and a calo nord armor set the account has more armors but i just mentioned the expensive ones.
    Mounts on the account
    -cyberclaw vorantus
    -jungle gundark
    -msm j9-jetpack
    -plateshadow devour
    -glacial icetromper
    -hutt cantina skiff
    -military uxibeast
    -aratech nethian
    -moonlight vrake
    -forest raptor
    -roche widow
    -armored coastal varactyl

    the account has about 4mil with all the money from my ults
    has 10 characters 2 lvl 65s and 900cc and has up to chapter x in the fallen empire and has the other expansions. and has some of the subscriber bonuses.
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  2. chuigd

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    have you sell it until now?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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