this account has 1 main toon which is fed male human and 1 lvl 60 reman and 2 klingon farmers the main toon fed is lvl 60 maxed in all spec has holo leeta tos holo crew all 3 borg crew and many more ships galor astika jem hadar dread and t6 strike ship and heavy escort xindi narcine,primate,oleanmannesa,tal shiarbattle cruiser and destroyer far to much to list all zahl heavy cruiser both new kelvin ships and so much more spent a fortune on it moving back to eve has enough would like alittle cash back from it feel free to contact me for more of a list of ships etc
m8 it simple i can farm for you np but tell me how much marks you want per day and how much you are willing to give for them
like i will join your fleet and fill all your projects with fleet marks everyday and you could pay me lockbox keys daily but i would like to know if that ok and how many keys you would give me each day ok get back to me m8