Sold [WTS] Starter with 73 SSR chars & 44 summons (Olivia, Cain, G. Alexiel, Vajra, S. Beatrix)

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/DeejayDoom, 6/29/19.

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  1. /u/DeejayDoom

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    Selling a starter account with:

    - 73 SSR characters, including limiteds like Olivia, Summer De La Fille, Grand Io, Summer Siegfried, Summer Yuel, Grand Eugen, Grand Cain, Grand Alexiel, Summer Rosetta, Summer Io, Vajra, Christmas Arulumaya, Grand Rakham, Summer Beatrix, Sturm + tons of SR characters, including limited from Christmas, Halloween and Summer banners.

    - 44 SSR summons, including Sariel, Lucifer, Grande, Zeus, Zephyrus, Grimnir, Freyr, Alexiel, Varuna, Kaguya, Gabriel, Agni + several SR Carbuncle of every element.

    - 3-4 Magna weapons for each element LB3 + lvl 100 (check screens) + 2 Eugen AK + 2 Sturm Ixaba

    - 17 pages of fate episodes.

    - 2 Gold Bar, 8 Damascus Bars, 3 Sunlight Stone, 5 Silver Centrum, 3 Intricacy Ring and 13 Gold Spellbook.

    - 38 Gold (enough for a Gisla, Crimson Finger, etc.), 156 Silver and 337 Bronze Moons.

    - 121 Full and 2849 Half Elixirs, 49 Soul Balm and 6272 Soul Berries.

    - SD Available (March 2016 anniversary, only Grand characters) + free SSR from pinboards available + 5th anniversary ticket not used + name change available + birthday not set.


    Price: 100€ (in euros, price #) with PayPal family and friends (only verified users and you pay any fee, if there's any).

    Sold accounts worth a total of more than 1.5K $. Reference thread from the /GranBlueTrades subredit:

    More than 400 positive votes on Steamtrades:

    Flair on Steam Game Swap subreddit:

    Add me on Discord (DeejayDoom#2723) or Steam (

    # #/DeejayDoom
    # .
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