Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/edgar1208, 4/17/21.

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  1. /u/edgar1208

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    WTS STARTER ACCOUNTS | not all character/summon are included below check the link for full | Payment | Paypal
    Discord ID: Ragde#0858 or reddit

    Account 1 | 10$|
    | 58k xtals |4k elixirs | 7k berries | 7 suntone|
    | 4 goldbar | 11 Damabar |
    Shiva | .Anila. | StrumEuropa. | SummerCagL
    eona | .SandalphonG | rGrimnir
    BK.Ferry | .Shalem. | Orchid
    Agni(3)| Varuna(1) | Bonito(1) | Bahamut(1) | Belial(2)

    Account 2 | $9 |
    | 51k xtals |4k elixirs | 8k berries|
    |7 suntone | 4 goldbar | 11 Damabar |
    Vajra. | Kumbira. | Catura
    |Narmaya(Valentine) | Leona. | Alexiel(OG) | .Alexiel(Summer)
    BK. | Rei
    Varuna(2) | Zeuis(1) | Hades Bonito(2) | Ayer(2) | Gorilla | Uriel |

    Account 3 | $5 |
    | 28k xtals |3.8k elixirs | 7k berries |
    | 5 suntone| 3 goldbar | 11 Damabar |
    Shiva | Strum | Vajra | Grea | Pholia
    Alexiel | Grimnir | Eugen Shalem | Zoeey | Orchid
    Shiva | Varuna | Europa | Gabriel(2) | uriel | Gorilla | Lucifer | Sariel |

    # #/edgar1208
    # .
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