= updated as of 01/04/21 DISCORD: faust#6621 Accepting payment through paypal (Friends&Family). NOT ACCEPTING TRADES. DM FOR MORE DETAILS. - Nickname can be changed, BDAY not set. Beginner's ticket not bought. - Fate Episodes not cleared! Would still check though, I faintly remember skipping 2-4 fate eps for crystals. Ranked up due to events. - Still has 6th Bday Ticket Weap. contains XENO IFRIT AXE from 5th Bday Ticket. - MM IS A MUST! (For safer trade!) Buyer pays fees. If not MM, buyer's fee goes first. **acc 1:** https://imgur.com/a/3kdQa4w SOLD. **acc 2:** https://imgur.com/a/xUzoMOY *PRICE: 55$ - spark: 636 SSRs: 90 zodiac: anila free eternal: seox **acc 3:** https://imgur.com/a/f2Clodd (possible zues user) SOLD **acc 4:** https://imgur.com/a/AhtUv3x SOLD **acc 5:** https://imgur.com/a/bByLh3S *PRICE: 65$ - spark: 650 SSRs: 93 zodiac: andira, mahira free eternal: seox **acc 6:** https://imgur.com/a/TlpmSjh *PRICE: 55$ - spark: 624 SSRs: 104 zodiac: vikala, anila free eternal: niyon **acc 7:** https://imgur.com/a/SR7bIBa (potential agni user) *PRICE: 80$ - spark: 588 SSRs: 101 zodiac: andira, anila free eternal: seofon/siete **acc 8:** https://imgur.com/a/3IAX5QJ *PRICE: 65$ - spark: 613 SSRs: 99 zodiac: kumbhira, andira, vajra free eternal: niyon ~~**acc 9:**~~ SKIPPED. **acc 10:** https://imgur.com/a/Rq41Bja *PRICE: 75$ - spark: 619 SSRs: 116 zodiac: vikala, vajra, anila, catura free eternal: niyon **acc 11:** https://imgur.com/a/iFWe2He *PRICE: 70$ - spark: 701 SSRs: 90 zodiac: vikala, anila free eternal: tien # #/frausts # .