Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/shelby_707, 12/30/20.

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  1. /u/shelby_707

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    Accepting payment through paypal. R58 (35$)

    -113 SSR

    - 2 zodiac (Anila, Kumbhira) 1 themed zodiac (S.Anila)

    - 11 Grands (S. Zoi, Grimnir, Eugen, Janu, Monika, Io, Orchid, Katalina, Luci, Rackam, Sandalphon)

    - Nickname can be changed, Beginner's ticket not bought.

    - 29 page of Fate Episodes not cleared!

    - Still has 6th Bday Ticket Weap. Dama Bar: 12, GB: 4 , Sunstone: 7

    - MM IS A MUST! (For safer trade!) Buyer pays fees.

    for your reference: (Chars, supplies etc.)

    DM me for more info at Discord:Bao#1629

    # #/shelby_707
    # .
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