I have been selected to play on the beta. Battle.Net account includes W3 + Expansion and SC2 Beta. I have 2 accounts, both includes W3 + Expansion aswell. As I do not have any feedback here, I don't mind going first to repped/twv users. User with 0 feedback or 1 post, don't expect me to go first. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3200/sc2d.jpg I have msn, send me a message here first, I'll be connected all day. .; I am receiving questions so i'll answer them here: I have all info, these 2 accounts were created 2 weeks ago, (I took a chance and registered these games to battle.net so I could get a chance in the beta) I also have both email adress and email password that was used when creating the account. These will also be provide to you (They are @live.ca email) I can provide a piece of ID for my paypal, it's my personnal paypal that i've been using for 3-4 years now. Feel free to ask any other questions you might have.