Selling WTS - Star Trek Online Life Time Acct LVL 45 Sci Officer / Tier 5 Sci Ship - SOLD

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    I currently dont have the time to play STO anymore so I'm wanting to sell my account. It is a Life Time Subscription account. It has a level 45 Rear Admiral (max level) Starfleet Borg Science Officer in a Tier 5 Deep Space Science vessel. Account is currently in Gamma borg space and is tooled up and ready for any upcoming borg raids/missions. This account is awesome for PVP or PVE as science ships are amazing at taking damage/buffing/healing you name it they do it. I have yet to have any trouble fighting anything around the 45 level cap. Character is clean and has never been in any fleets. Looking to get around $350 for the account since the Life Time account cost $300.00, also the 1mil Energy credits are worth around 50$ or 60$ at least which makes the Rear Admiral toon FREE =).

    Account has around 1.1Mil Energy Credits along with around 500k worth of stuff to sell in the inventory. More than enough to deck out whatever alts you want to make.

    Items wise the ship has 2 epic items, one being a tricobalt torpedo launcher MK X which does the highest damage out of all the torpedo launchers in game. Also has an Epic Anti-Proton Beam Array MK X. I believe the account has a few more Exploration Merits to get 1 or 2 more epic weapons.

    Rest of the items are greens and blues.

    Has around 400 exploration 5 points which can be used to get get or blue gear.

    Thats pretty much everything off the top of my head, account was also a gamestop pre order so you get the old school starfleet enterprise tier 1 ship for any alts that you want to make. If you have any questions or want to see screenshots feel free to message me. Thanks =).



    still available?

    Yup still available as of today.

    ADD: Forgot to add to this that there is a crap ton of anomalous data in the bank, pretty much everything I got from 1-45, never used or sold any of it. Probably worth around another Mil or so.

    u online ?

    would like to purchase it, but would like to get account details right away..

    I'm online right now, looks like you are, I'll send you a PM.

    Account is still available, Asking $350 if anyone has any questions please PM me.
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