Selling    WTS Stacked DCUO Account

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CodyTheGoat, 5/12/21.

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  1. CodyTheGoat

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    WTS a stacked DCUO account. Comes with a lot of things, CR 320+, over 500 SP, high level origin augs. comes with 4 armories. In terms of artifacts, it comes with multiple artifacts all maxed rank which are useable for might dps, prec dps, and healing. the power is electric and movement superspeed. in terms of styles u got a large variety, for the tc's you have everything that ever came out from them except for the enhanced emblems that dont give feat points. PC acc. comes with cosmic material, OG solar, OG glimmering, OG radiant. liquid mat, black and white neons, every single item from resurg caps like powerset mats, auras, chromas, the accessories except for the most recent one and so much more, in terms of styles the account is stacked with almost every style in the game. 30,000 replay badges also comes with it. The only way this account will be sold is through zelle, no exceptions. Asking price is $3,000 USD. Also, the buyer will be required to go first as I will not. If you have further questions or are interested, please add my discord and ill get back to you asap, my discord is Cody#7563. Thanks. Also please note that once the account is sold, no refunds will be issued if you change your mind. Once you buy it, you buy it. I can also show proof of anything you would need. Add my discord listed above, we can voice chat, text, or whatever is necessary and we can get down to business.
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