Sold [WTS] Spotify Premium Upgrade | Your Email & PW | 12 months warranty | starting from $1.50

Discussion in 'Spotify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mama_san, 11/24/17.

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  1. mama_san

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    Hello everyone,

    Don't wish to pay for expensive monthly Spotify Premium? Get your accounts upgraded by me!

    Upgrade Process:
    1. Contact me on Skype and let me know the number of upgrades you need.
    2. Either provide me with your username and password (or I can give you the upgrade links).
    3. Pay me once you received your product. SIMPLE bobo

    Skype: live:akon8944 / [email protected]

    Payment Method: Paypal

    Price: $1.50

    Terms of Service:
    - All sales are final and no refunds will be provided unless I'm not able to deliver promised product.
    - I can refuse service to anyone that I deem unfit.
    - Chargeback will result in scam report and immediate removal of Spotify Premium & warranty.
    - Warranty is only valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. (provided still in business)
    - You will automatically accept these Terms of Service upon purchase.
    Attached Images
    #1 mama_san, 11/24/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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