WTS Sorcerer Lvl92

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    I WTS my Lvl92 Sorcer in Gracia. PM me offer The reason why I am selling is because I am unable to play Archlord anymore due to work and school. I will post up screen shots later.

    [Gracia]WTT Biglos Necklace With Infinity ( 1 2)

    I WANT TO TRADE IT for Intel Kark with infinity I think its really fair this trade... u get intel kark infi for free from event. Plus a cast class usually switch to biglos when they pvp anyways its more HP from +10 stats and give ele resis 10%, so they won't have to use combi and reduce their SB to +20 only instead of +50. I have mana problem on my ele so i won't need it to cast 95%, otherwise if i still had my mage i would've still use it. On a side note.... LuciferRising... Seriously, shame on you for scamming with a 81 knight. And shame for ur friend "crazykid9" who changed pass on both mage Serenity and knight Xxmikkxx and gave u a fake iTrader rep. If any admin read this... i have Msn history with crazykid9 from his scam, i can send u file.

    Wtt/Wts realm all races on Sylvia

    Wtt realm parts all races on Sylvia for 1 marvel and .....+ offer Knight:Gauntlets of Aaron skill cast 3 Gauntlets of Excen skill cast 2 Armor of Excen 5 chance to convert 11 of damage Armor of Excen Hp 5 Armor of Excen hp 12 Armor of Excen Defense +11 Greaves of Excen Hp +190 Greaves of Excen xp 3 Sorc:Bracelets of Zwan at speed 11 at rating +19 Garb of Zwan Hp 6 Hp recovery +30 Garb of Lytillo 5 chance when hit to convert 11 of damage Kilt of Zwan mana 240 Kilt of Zwa defense +11 Zerk:Gauntlet of Nuendo attack rating +4 drop rate 3 Greave of Nuendo Hp 220 Greave of Nuendo Defense +8 Ele:Bibulan garb mana 11 hp recovery +25 every 10 sec Bibulan garb SB 12 Defens +6 (0/4) (-this is for 3 scroll) Bibulan boots 9 block Hunter:Armor of Shakran Skill block 9 Armor of Shakran 5 chance when hit to convert 11 of damage Mage:Kilt of Sereno+240 mana Kilt of Sereno mana 40 hp +200 Boots of Sereno 8 block Swash:Camian Boots mov speed 7 dodge 1 Camian Boots dodge 3 Camian Jacket defense +8 Camian Jacket SB10 Defens 10 Mana 9 (-2 scroll and 10 premium) Camian Gloves at speed 8 Camian Gloves cast 3 Archer:Robindole armor 4 chance when hit to convert damage(0/4) Robindole Boots block 9 dodge 2 Robindole Armpads 3 cast Ranger:Remulos tights Hp 180 mana 160 Remulos Cuirass Hp +20 every 10 sec Remulos Cuirass Hp 12 Remulos Bracers At speed 10 Remulos Tights defens 9 Biglos (0/1),Gaudius(0/1),Shocker(0/1),Luke(wing lvl4),Luke(asthal)

    [eu2]WTT lvl 89 zerk!

    Zerk have: 1x shuta-7% res stone 2x barom- 1 have 6% resi stone,other have stamina lvl 3 stone 1x blode-stamina lvl 3 1x luke neck-lvl 3 dark wings Armor of Nuendo 2x sb greaves of mongola boots of mongola helmet of odon gauntlets of kildemor 7% attack speed bonus over 30k lens,wings no neck lvl 2,1 pvp pack unused etc etc..... on the same account is lvl 32 knight with guild storage with 670 milion gold One of the best zerks on the server! Comming with mail ofc ! offer me in scrolls,uniques,other accounts,and i prefer using midleman in the trade,i will ask around about a trusted person!

    Wtt lovers Silkroad/Archlord online players
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