Selling Wts sorc 100rr ,choppa,sh ,shaman Hi. I want sell...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Wts sorc 100rr ,choppa,sh ,shaman Hi. I want sell my favorite account SORC 100RR Sov 8/8 DF 4/5 WF 4/5 Weapon 100RR Akire the Creator (socketed +15 crit from colossus ) 12,5k war crest Box of skull white Back+jewelry from LOTD Glyph 3/5 Greater Ruddy Talisman +5 stats Funerary Shroud of Settra Melee Absorb pocket 3,5k absorb demage Neffear plagues pocket Tyrant 2 pieces Aviator goggles form event Box of skull white Choppa 100RR Sov 8/8 DF 5/5 WF 4/5 2x weapons 100RR 10k war crest Box of skull white Greater Ruddy Talisman +5 stats Glyph 2/5 Tyrant 2 pices Back+jewelry from LOTD Shaman 90RR ++ Sov 8/8 DF 5/5 WF 1/5 Heal staff 90RR 1k war crest Greater Ruddy Talisman +5 stats Glyph 3/5 Tyrant 2 pieces Back+jewelry from LOTD SH 80+ RR Sov 8/8 DF 1/5 WF 1/5 2x weapon 75RR 10k war crest Greater Ruddy Talisman +5 stats Entitlements: -rod of service -Imperial Hunting Hound RvR/progression pack Secret Q/A Sub active
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