1.Archer lvl 96 full cf,full intel 2x intel shutas,intel luke with cloak lvl 6 ele...+1 wep full scion FULL SCION BUILD 2.Archer lvl 94 full cf,2 intel blodes,normal luke..+1 wep with scions FULL SCION BUILD 3.Archer lvl 88 brill shuta and normal shuta,full cf,wep +1 ashtals 5/5 4.Sorc lvl 100:shuta,blode,cf armor,good ashtal and scion weps,luke neck 10 seraz and some cc 5.Ranger lvl 100 ,full psn cf with good stones,luke neck,zucker neck,biglos,intel gaud with res lvl 4 stone,hh skills,3 toa 200%,tom 7 days 100% drop,100% exp,1 sera,and some cc... 6.Swash lvl 85....empty but full cf Prices: 1.80€$ paypal 2.60€ paypal 3.20€ paypal 4.70€ paypal 5.70$ paypal 6.10€ paypal Videos: Ranger-beta.xfire/videos/55dcf2 Swash-beta.xfire/videos/50b1cf Archer #1-beta.xfire/videos/55dcfd Sorc-xfire/video/55dd04/ I can sell int shutas separate,weps,armor also... and also WTB 2x int ohk atleast 1 ring has to have resi stone in They all got e-mails...,I trade only for sorc on urza or zian 95+ or paypal For more info PM me. [URZARK] WTS ELEMENTALIST lvl 93 !! Offer me price is cheap!!! Paypal or scrolls only !! -cf skirt 12% res bonus lvl 5 stone -cf arms 1 scion in -elite boots 15% ms 8% block (2 ashtal) -ice garb 4 slot lvl 5 stones -cf garb 12% sb and mana bonus -bg cap -6% cd cap -1 teah mount -1 fantastic Aquamarine -allot of toas 20% 30% and on/off, lens+ and normal, pet manuals, combi,evade/quickness pots, extralarge healing pots,pet feed gop and other WTS MAGE/RANGER/SWASH [SYLVIA] Hi all, i want to stop playing archlord and i sell my chars. i can had vitality and fierce attack combined lvl 5, skill awakening/stamina increase/physical lvl 6 and more gold on each char. ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** i want paypall offer and account come with e-mail. WTS Zerk HH equipment ZIAN WTS Armor of Seshi (LV6 HP, LV6 Res, LV6 Curse Removal or Cast/cooldown p> [EU3] - Urzark - BIG WTS / WTB Items