warframe: (all potato's) ash prime:immortal skin trinity prime saryn prime mag prime:immortal skin frost prime rhino prime loki prime nova prime nyx prime:immortal skin volt prime equinox ivara inaros wukong mirage:snow skin nekros excalibur: proto armor and immortal skin valkyr primary weapons : boltor prime,burston prime,soma prime,hek vaykor,cernos rakta,dex sybaris,simulor synoid,tigris sancti,hek,quanta,quanta vandal,penta secura,rubico,synapse,grataka prisma. secondary weapons : lex prime(6 forma incredible damage :P), rakta ballistica,despair,dex furis,marelock vaykor. melee weapons : dex dakra,prisma dual cleavers,dual kamas prime,orthos prime,scindo prime,mios,nikana dragon,broken war. mods : this would be too long to list them but i have a screenshot for you sentinel : wyrm prime,carrier prime,carrier archwing: odonata prime,odonata,itzal I have most of the color palette's HMU on skype: Morgan Freak Man or the_tekkit_god Or *******: Alabama love you#9810 I will take offers (trades, paypal etc...) bobobobobobo (I am the owner of this account and can give you the email login) - - - Updated - - - Premature Bump - - - Updated - - - Im looking to trade with and original access over watch account w/skins Or you can buy it with paypal, either way - - - Updated - - - Anyone wanna play warframe? /goodie Attached Images https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204623_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (411.0 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204730_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (523.7 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204241_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (301.2 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204249_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (310.0 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204422_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (182.5 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204311_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (286.8 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 20160427204426_1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (226.5 KB)