Selling WTS Selling lvl 60 Mage / lvl 60 Ranger ! Mage...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/1/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Selling lvl 60 Mage / lvl 60 Ranger ! Mage ::::: 5/6.. Ocean's breeze magic excited Necklace Elf's Hairpin HF of sorcery Magic excited Ring Crystal Ring of erudition. Only chest are not epic bit i have some souls and 2 eristar essence. Both swamo eye Reinforced Conciliation Magecloth robe Ranger ::::: 5/6... Both Bitting ring, Cerulean gem ring. bloodmoon Both Kermodes Tear Black lotus Carrion Bow¸ red lotus of wind Reinforced Stealth hunter's Coat Message me ar Markiiboy1@ WTS Account with 3 LVL60 Fully Equipped Toons [Android] I'm selling my account with 3 level 60s on full rune gear and accessories. RANGER, TANK, MAGE. all in one account. ONLY for $100. Cheap! With 10,000 Gold and 100 runes ready to use. Ranger: LVL60 -With epic Head, Boots, Gloves, and L -Black Lotus and Epic Devil Dagger -Carrion Long Bow -2pcs Withered Ring of Offense -1pc Swift Brand -Kermodes Tear -Bloodmoon -WITH 10,000 GOLD TANK: LVL 60 -full rune gear -epic head, boots -ariels abjection -black lotus, epic skeleton -2pcs withered ring of the guardian -2pcs kermode -windcutter -with 1000 gold MAGE; LVL 60 -all rune gear -epic head and boots -Heartforger of sorcery -evil eye necklace of sorcery -2pcs withered ring of sorcery -2pcs swamp eye account with 10,000 GOLD 100 Runes All for $100 via PayPal account. Android server only! I can meet you in game if you want. Androidd-US Arcadian Server WTS 60 Monk iOS $30 Hi Thought I'd whack this us as its doing nothing. Got a 60 Monk, all spells learned and upgraded (Full Devine). The account was lent to a friend for a few rk runs while I was away this week and due to him being a love you stripped everything so it's currently empty. Acc had epics and 2k gold. With loads of items so who ever buys this acc could Infact contact GL and see if they could re wind. But for someone wanting a cheap 60 monk, 30s a good price. Online now for the next 12 hours, pm me or email..or just reply below. PayPal only and can be seen in GM AF...
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