Sold [WTS] SELLING HIGH END KAI 15+ lvl90 BOW/15+ lvl80 XGUN with all OJ lvl90 SCROLL GEAR

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheLeeSin, 5/1/17.

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  1. TheLeeSin

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    [west server] Over the years i've lost interest in my kai... therefore I want to sell it to someone who will show kai some love :)

    with bow: att: 29.5k, def: 12.5k, attspeed: 58, crit: 125
    xgun: att: 27k, def 12.5k, attspeed: 62, crit: 129

    some pics of weps and armor:
    htt p://im m/galle ry/r xdso - delete spaces plz

    Skype: kurt ishi (lee sin avatar)

    Price : 500$ or 1.6b gold (#)

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