Sold [WTS] Selling F7A MK II LTI for $390

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Proof-Operation-5796, 2/3/25 at 6:12 AM.

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  1. /u/Proof-Operation-5796

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    As titled F7A MK II LTI for $390

    Welcome, fellow citizens,

    To ensure a safe trade: RSI/PayPal Verified Only.

    Please reply in this thread, then send me a PM for orders. My time zone is UTC -8. I will respond as soon as I am available, usually within 24 hours. Thank you! PMs will be answered in the order received.

    Note: Pricing and availability are subject to change. All pricing is listed in USD and after all fees.

    You will need to provide your PayPal email for the invoice, as well as BOTH your RSI email and RSI handle name to which the items are sent.

    # #/Proof-Operation-5796
    # .
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